Address and contact details

Via Europa, 1
20020 Magnago – Milano, Italy
Phone: +39 0331 657500
Fax: +39 0331 309399
VAT n. 11257330156
REA n.: MI-1450908

Displays the road to reach our headquarters.

Our office in Germany and Benelux / Unsere Büros in Deutschland and Benelux
Hartmut Pakusch
Ing.-Buero f.Fertigungstechnik
Maerkerstr. 2 b
D 63755 Alzenau

Tel. +49 (0)6023 / 929 209
Fax +49 (0)6023 / 929 309
mobil+49 (0)171 / 607 2 107


Privacy policies

In relation to the information referred to in Italian law by decree no. 196/2003, I/we give my/our consent to the processing of my/our personal data by your company for purposes connected with the business activity. On no account may the data be transferred to others for uses other than those related to the relationship with Elektro Kommando. I/we also give my/our consent to the processing of my/our personal data by electronic and/or automated methods suitable for also linking these data with those of other subjects, according to qualitative, quantitative and time criteria, which are recurring or definable each time. I/we also give my/our consent to the processing of my/our personal data by companies, bodies or consortiums that provide you with specific processing services, that is, they carry out activities functional to those of your company, and also to parties whose right to access my/our personal data is recognized by provisions of law or secondary or EC regulatory provisions.

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